sestdiena, 2011. gada 30. jūlijs

How To Lose Weight and Stay Motivated

Are you finding it tricky to stay motivated? Dont worry, it is completely normal. It is very common that some people may have troubles with their motivation levels, although it is only the people that are able to stay motivated that can see long-term results. There is no point in getting stressed out since you are demotivated, instead you'll need a plan you can follow to help restore your motivation and keep you motivated.

To make it easier to stay motivated, you want to write a journal to keep track of the progress. To make sure that your motivation levels are improved, you might want to write and effective journal. Following the tips below will show you exactly how to do that.

Take Pictures

You should consider taking pictures of yourself frequently, you'll soon be able to notice the difference in how your body looks. It is typically hard to see a change in your body shape while on a diet, if you're taking pictures it is possible to see the change. Looking at these pictures will help you see that the hard work is beneficial.

List Your Weight Lifted

During each workout you also need to take the time to write down what weight you've lifted. Listing this will mean you can check your workout program and see how far you've come from that perspective. Progress does not just have to be a change in your size, you could notice an improvement to your strength. Lifting more weight during your workout can be the main reason why the scale is not moving down, this is because you may have built some new lean muscle mass. You are however moving in the right direction as lean muscle mass may help you stay leaner in the long run.

List How You Feel About Your Day

Motivation could be decreased and your progress can be impacted by how you feel. You may notice trends in your behaviour and manage to deal with them if you write down your feelings, such as frustrated, upset or angry. Doing this may help you stay on target with your program and keep your motivation up.

Many people may feel sad and lonely and this will lead to you turning to food, if this is something you do then you may want to consider expanding your social network or seeking counselling. Without writing these feelings down you wouldn't have realized this connection and thus you would continue comfort eating.

Using a journal, a workout program and a good diet can enable you to see effective weight loss. You can speed up your results by combining this with an appetite suppressant. Therefore as you can see using a journal will help you increase your motivation and stick to your weight loss program.

We recommend you to take a diet supplement, in order to achieve best outcome. However it can be difficult to find the best diet pill for you. Therefore we recommend you to visit our Diet Pill Reviews website. However, there is a weight loss supplement that stands out of crowd and it is Proactol Plus